Sunday, July 24, 2011


It is a way of attemting to aquire sensitive information such as user name ,password and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.

Uranium-Thorium Dating

Uranium-Thorium Dating, also called thorium -230   dating is the radiometric   dating technique commonly used to determine the age of calcium carbonate materials such as speleothen or corol.
Unlike other commonly used radoemetric dating technique such as Rubidium-Strontium or Uranium –Lead dating ,the Uranium-Thorium technique does not measure accumulation of a stable end –member decay product,instead calculating an age from the degree to which equilibrium has been restore between the radioactive isotope thorium -230 and its radioactive parent uranium-234 within a sample 

DNA profiling

-DNA profiling (also called DNA testing, DNA typing or genetic fingerprinting) is a technique employed by forensic scientist  to assist in the identification of individuals by their respective DNA profiles.
-DNA profiles are encrypted sets of numbers that reflects a person’s  DNA makeup, which can also be used as the person’s identifier.
-It is used in, for example, parental testing and criminal investigation
-Although 99.9% of human DNA sequences are the same in every person,enough of the DNA is different to distinguish one individual from another unless they are monozyotic twins.
-The DNA profiling technique was first reported in 1984 by Sir Alec Jeffreys at the university of Leicester in England ,and is now the basic of several national DNA data base.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Svalvard Treaty

The treaty concerning Spitsbergen, often reffered to as the Svalvard Treaty, of 9 february 1920, recognizes the full and absolute sovereignty  of Norway over the artic archipelago of Spitsbergen (now called Svalbard).
The exercise of sovereignty is, however, subject to certain stipulations, and not all Norwegian law applies.The treaty only partly demilitarizes Svalbard.
All signatories were given equal rights to engage in commercial activities(mainly coal mining) on the islands. As of 2007, Norway and Russia are utilizing this right.
There were fourteen original high contracting parties, including: U.S.,Denmark,France,Italy, Japan, Netherland,Norway, Swedenand united kingdom of great Britain and Ireland and British overseas dominions of Canada, Australia,India,South Africa and Newzealand.

Galactic Cosmic Rays(GCR’S)

Galactic Cosmic Rays(GCR’S) Consists of those cosmic rays that enter the solar system from the outside. They are high energy charged particles composed of protons,electrons, and fully ionized nuclei of light elements and are a strong source for cosmic ray spallation in the atmosphere of the earth.

Friday, July 22, 2011

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a planned infrared space observatory and is the scientific successor to the hubble space Telescope. The JWST or Webb Telescope’s main scientific goal is to observe the most distant object in the universe beyond the reach of eighter ground based instruments or the hubble.The JWST is a project of the National Aeronotics and Space Administration, the U.S. Space agency, with international collaboration from the European Space Agency and the Canadian space Agency, including contributions from fifteen nations.
Originally called the next  generation space Telescope (NGST). It was renamed in 2002 after NASA’S second administrator James Webb.  

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What is Dark Energy?

In physical cosmology, astronomy and celestial mechanics, dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that permeates  all of space and tends to increase the rate of expansion of the universe.
Dark energy is the most accepted theory to explain recent observations and experiments that the universe appears to be expending at an accelerating rate.
In the standard model of cosmology, dark energy currently accounts for 73% of the total mass- energy of the universe.
Dark energy certainly  counts as frontier science. The discovery a decade ago that the universe is speeding up, in defiance of common sence or cosmic gravity, has thrown in to doubt notions  about the fate of the universe and of life with in it, not to mention gravity and even the nature of laws of physics. It is as if, when you drop your car key, they shoot up to the ceiling.
Physicists have one ready-made explanation for this behavior, but it is a cure that many of them think is worse than the desease: a fudge factor invented by Einstein in 1917 called the cosmological constant. He  uggested, and quantum thory has subsequently confirmed, that empty space could exert  a repulsive force blowing things apart. But the best calculation predict an effect 10 to the exponent of 120 times greater than what astronomers have measured, causing physicists to metaphorically tear their out mutter about multiple universe.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

International Science Exploration Cordination Group

14 nations of the International Space Exploration Cordination Group, including India, are hopeful that one day, human being might live and work in other destinations with in the solar system. The most challenging of all problems in space colonization would be provide a permanent life support system.
The research now focused on building bio-regenerative systems, which would be based on the principle of biospherics that imited the life sustaining biosphere of the earth.

Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)

Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) is a premier scientific organization of India, started in the year 1914, with headquarter at Kolkata.
The ISCA was stablished by two British chemists, professor J.L.Simonsen and Professor P.S.Macmohan to promote scientific research in India.
It was established on the lines of British Association for the advancement of the science.
As per tradition, Indian Science Congress has always been inaugurated on the 3rd of January by the Prime Minister of India and it chaired by the Chief Minister of the state in which it is held.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Gamma ray Telescope Getting Ready in Leh
India is setting up a special facility here to boost global efforts in unrevelling the mysterios  surrounding the nature of normal and dark matter in universe. The Banglore based Indian Institute of Astrophysics(IIA),along with the Mumbai based Bhabha Atomic Research Centre(BARC) and several other national institutions, is setting up a telescope with a 21-meter diameter collector, which will collect  the gamma ray s will help Astrophysicists in better understanding of different types of matter in the universe.
The gamma rays highly energy processes in the universe.Their study will help the nation in understanding the high energy physics close to the black holes, compacts objects,dark matter and high gravitational fields which will then be shared with the world other similar scientific projects.Cerenkov Experiment (MACE)facility,the observatory in Hanle-Leh will be the only such one in the eastern hemisphere , and at an altitude of 4300 meter above the mean sea level.The facility next to the IIA’s Himalayan Chandra Telescope(HCT), which was set up about a decade ago. The HCT become functional in 2001 and is operated from Banglore through a settelite based communication link.This telescope has already helped in discovery in three galaxies with super massive black-holes, and several new variable stars in our galaxy, other things.
The effort to stablish the MACE facility is being led by the BARC , in collaboration with the Tata institute of Fundamental Research,Mumbai,and Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics,Kolkata.It is astimated cost about  Rs.40 carore and is expected to be ready by dec.2012.The technical feasibility of the high altitude for atmospheric Cerenkov detectors  was proved by the IIA and the TIFR by setting up a smaller ffacility –high altitude gama ray (HAGAR) experiment in 2008 .
Reason for choice of the place-a)High altitude and dry weather” b)has an annual precipitation of less than 7cm